Engaging the Subject of Business
I haven’t had a huge amount of experience as a business consultant. If my progress could be related to a baby’s development I am a bottle-fed crawler of questionable coordination. Even at this stage though, I am running into concerning patterns that speak to, I think, some foundational problems when it comes to entrepreneurship and or business ownership. I am hearing and witnessing issues of knowledge, focus and will when it comes to the subject of business. In this article I want to explore how we ought to approach learning the subject of business. As an entrepreneur and business owner who had a certain perspective about business, learning certain terms and processes was a complex and overwhelming burden. I only wanted to know what I needed to get by because that “stuff” wasn’t as important as getting out in the world and doing things, making it happen. I ran with the easy idea that all I needed to do was get out there and do. Everything else would come. I worked and managed my b...